Shamanic Immunity
Do you want to emerge from this covid crisis all the stronger and resilient? Master Shaman Stephen Feely and Integrative Health Coach Flamissia are offering a free new mini class, teaching you shamanic techniques you can use to reclaim your innate strength, vitality and shamanic immunity during the time of covid and beyond. (You can sign up below.) So what IS shamanic immunity? Read on to find out.
Ascension Codes for a New Earth:
This is the time of the Solar Awakening of our Crystalline Light Bodies into the 5th Dimension. We are living in times of a great spiritual awakening of humanity, assisted by the frequencies of the solar flares that activate the DNA codes within us that have previously been thought to be dormant.
Your Life is an Epic Journey
If you are human, if you are alive, you have dealt with challenges that are a part of your epic journey to freedom. Buried within you, your epic, amazing and magnificent life story is just waiting to be seen, heard and celebrated. And you, like everyone else, have a Divine Purpose that emerges out of that deeply personal and beautifully unique life journey. The place of our greatest pain is the place where we have hid our greatest power.
Perceiving your Luminous Energy Field
In Pampamesayok Shaman School, we learn to work with cleaning and caring for our own Luminous Energy Field, or L.E.F., and the L.E.F. of our clients who come to us for healing. All of our work as healers involves working with the L.E.F., and the chakras that are so intimately connected to them, as this is the fundamental principle of energy medicine. Here is an exercise to learn to perceive the L.E.F. as a precursor to the work we do as shamans.
The Luminous Energy Field
There is an energy field that surrounds each and everything. The medicine men and women of the Andes call it the “poq’po” which means bubble in Quechua, while we at Pampamesayok Shaman School call it the Luminous Energy Field, or L.E.F.. All humans, plants, animals, have their own L.E.F. with its unique and individualized signature. But not only those things that western people call “living” have one. Even rocks, rivers and caves have one. As everything is part of the Kausay Pacha, everything is a part of the living energy, and has its own energy signature.
Saminchakuy: Bathing in Cosmic Nectar
Every day, the shamans of the high mountain villages in the Andes, or paq'os, practice saminchakuy, bathing their energy bodies in this River of Cosmic Light, and drinking from its sweet nectar. You, too, can bathe in the nectar of the Great River of Light.
Dreaming in the New Earth Body
Pachamama, our sacred Earth Mother, is dreaming now of what medicine carriers call "her New Earth body". Dreaming and creating it at the same time. As we allow ourselves to dive into the deepest of sleep, She can connect Her dream with us and Her New Earth body can be realized through us and in us.
The 3 Pachas of Space-Time
Pacha - this refers to the SpaceTime continuum of the entire Cosmos. These advanced peoples had delved into the mystery that Space and Time are inextricably interconnected thousands of years before Einstein revealed it to the world. The Andean people say the world consists of three levels: Ukhupacha, Kaypacha, Hanaqpacha.
Kausay: The Living Energy of the Universe
The Kausay is Divine Life Force Energy, the living energy of the universe, which infuses the world with consciousness. Energy interacts with energy to become expressed in physical form. All shamans bring about great healing, not by forcing the physical dimension of reality into being, so much by guiding the flow of energy towards healing.
How to Make Florida Water
Florida water is in essence a distilled energy of Pachamama's green and growing vitality, with lovely notes of the Moon's ancient songs singing within it all. The herbs used should be spiritually gathered in a sacred way, honoring whatever intention you are holding in your heart.