Shamanic Immunity
Do you want to emerge from this covid crisis all the stronger and resilient? Master Shaman Stephen Feely and Integrative Health Coach Flamissia are offering a free new mini class, teaching you shamanic techniques you can use to reclaim your innate strength, vitality and shamanic immunity during the time of covid and beyond. So what IS shamanic immunity? Read on to find out.
In the Chinese writing system, within the character that means “crisis” is a symbol that means “opportunity:” 危机
When you dig deep beneath any crisis, you can find opportunity for change, for growth, for transformation to something greater. Now, for the first time ever, humanity across the globe is focused on the same crisis: the issue of SARS corona virus-19. Fortunately, more people are waking up to some of the opportunities the pandemic presents us, such as the need to take care of our overall health. And now, an explosion of new discoveries are showing us the holistic, integrative nature of true health and resilience. This is an excellent move forward.
If we dig even deeper, we see an underlying crisis that few are noticing, a nefarious threat of global oppression under the radar of the extreme censorship we are facing. But there is an even stronger tide of global awakening rising at this momentous time in human history, supported by new energies emitting from the sun. (See the article on Ascension Codes here.) And within it lies the opportunity for a new leap in our evolution as a world community.
This is what the shamans are welcoming us into.
We are now living in the time of the Great Transformation that the shamans of ancient times predicted, a time that corresponds with a cyclical pattern occurring within the Milky Way galaxy herself, and possibly the entire Universe. The ancient wisdom keepers and star keepers of the Andes called these periods “Pachakutiy.” Each time we evolve to a new Pachakutiy, we are given the opportunity to rise to great new heights of human greatness, or to fall to great depths of destruction. Five hundred years ago the world experienced the last Pachakutiy, and the greatness of the Inca empire fell to tremendous destruction. All over the Americas, the wisdom and beauty of the native peoples was under siege. But the glowing embers of this fire of devastation have offered us the opportunity for the Western world to re-member the wisdom of the indigenous peoples: the need for sacred, harmonious relationship with the Earth and all living things.
Now, every aspect of our lives has been affected by this crisis, be it work, school, church, travel, or social gatherings. For an entire year, the restriction of our fundamental human need for connection has affected us financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But while the media has the world’s eyes glued to a virus, few are seeing that a planet-wide battle is going on: one that has us all held hostage by fear, disconnected from our community and profoundly polarized. Those who believe in the narrative of governmental and medical authorities believe that those who are not taking the injection are a danger to the rest. And those who do not believe in this narrative believe that the injection - and a nefarious plan hiding underneath extreme censorship - are dangers of much greater magnitude.
But what if the fear itself is the deepest danger?
As Einstein so famously said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” We need to rise above the quagmire of the on-going war that fixes its myopic gaze on the story of a packet of DNA. We need to see with the eyes of the shaman - healer - sage.
The shaman soars above the battlefield with the bird’s eye view of the whole, global picture. The shaman is guided by a spiritual perspective that looks at humanity as a whole and invites us to ask ourselves, “in what way are we being called to grow and evolve?” and “What opportunities is the Universe providing us with the unfolding drama before us?” From this holistic way of perceiving, it becomes crystal clear: we have arrived at a Great Crossroads. We are now engaged in a momentous time in the story of human history, where we are invited to take a Quantum Leap of consciousness to new heights and levels rarely accessed before.
The world is stuck on the level of the physical body, caught in a reductionist approach to researching a physical cure. But the shaman identifies the underlying nature of the problem on the level of consciousness of the soul. The shaman helps us see how we have diverged from our true nature of wholeness and supports us in finding our path back Home to deep, true, whole healing.
On this level of awareness, we see that the ancient fear-based story of victim consciousness itself is the true contamination. This story line weaves throughout history, telling us that there is an outside force we need to fear, and only by sacrificing our freedom to the control of society’s appointed authorities can we be safe. This is the story that tells us that we are weak, vulnerable and helpless in the face of an outside threat. This is the story that tells us that we are not empowered agents of our own health and wholeness, but need to hand our self sovereignty over to authorities to tell us what to do, think and believe. This is the story that keeps us trapped in the drama triangle of victim - perpetrator - savior roles, generating the polarization that keeps us fighting against each other in an endless war between opposing viewpoints.
We are called to rise to a higher level of awareness. An even MORE ancient, love-based story exists, that of the perfection of our being, as part of a perfect, interconnected, powerful and intelligent Universe. This story tells us that we are strong, empowered, and whole, and that no external force has the power to separate us from the Truth of our Wholeness unless we allow it to. This story tells us that we are the sovereign authorities of our own body, mind and soul. In this story, there are no victims. In this story, there are no enemies. No need for violence, for dominating external authorities, and no need for war. In this story, people of divergent viewpoints can only learn and benefit from each other. In this story, our conflicts are teachers along the pathway to greater growth and understanding.
You don’t have to dive deep into the Amazon, or travel across the snowy expanse of Siberia to find a shaman for this healing journey. That shaman lives inside of you and every one of us. Let us help you awaken the shamanic powers that lie within you for deep transformation and healing! You were born to be here, in this moment, midwifing the Great Transformation of Humanity in this 11th hour.
Within you is a Light Worker, a Peace Warrior, a Shamanic Healer.
None of us can transform Humanity on our own. But due to the ripple effect, and the holographic nature of our Universe, as you take your own deeply transformative healing journey, the world begins to heal around you. Yes, together, in deeply loving and supportive community, and with the tools of shamanic immunity, we can raise the collective consciousness in meaningful ways.
Join us next week as we begin to teach shamanic tools you can easily put to use in your own life to remain strong during the time of covid19 and beyond.
Brothers and sisters, we welcome you on the path to strength, resilience, vitality and self-sovereignty with open hearts.
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Love, Flamissia