The Luminous Energy Field
The medicine men and women of the Andes have been able to perceive a field of energy that permeates and surrounds everything, including the human being. They call it the poq’po which means “bubble” in Quechua. In Shaman School we prefer to call it the more eloquent name “Luminous Energy Field,” or L.E.F.
This energy field surrounds each and everything: all humans, plants, animals, even rocks and rivers. Everything has its own L.E.F. , with its unique and individualized signature. Some people are capable of seeing these fields today as auras. While the L.E.F. has many layers, the most perceptible layer is usually arms length wide, reaches above our heads and below our feet. As it is an energy field, it goes through solid objects. However, our human L.E.F. really is beyond boundaries and limits, stretching out to the endless Universe. As everything is part of the Kausay Pacha, each thing is a part of the living energy, and has its own energy signature, while still remaining energetically connected to the entire Universe.
In Pampamesayok Shaman School, we learn to work with cleaning and caring for our own L.E.F., and the L.E.F. of our clients who come to us for healing. All of our work as healers involves working with the L.E.F., and the chakras that are so intimately connected to them, as this is the fundamental principle of energy medicine. We learn to clear imprints, or heavy energies that block the flow of the energy in the L.E.F. We learn to retrieve lost soul parts, whose absence causes energetic imbalances, and we learn to extract entities that don’t belong - spirits of the deceased who still cling to this dimension and seek to attach themselves to the energy fields of the living.
Unlike exorcism performed by some priests, shamans perform extractions that not only alleviate the living from the interference of other entities, but also bring healing to these disembodied spirits, helping them make their way into the dimension beyond this life.
In order to learn these skills of energy medicine, we develop and fine tune our capacity to perceive the L.E.F. We also learn to perceive the chakras - powerful energy centers which influence our energy fields. Chakras are not something people of Ancient India just made up. The native healers of the Andes also perceive these energy centers, and call them Ñawis meaning “eyes.” While many people are aware of the chakras, or ñawis, that are connected to our physical bodies, we actually have ñawis that are within our energetic bubble but beyond the physical body.
L.E.F.’s are also not limited to individual beings. As we are deeply energetically connected to others, we naturally form L.E.F.’s with them as couples, families, communities, organizations, ecosystems, etc., Because of this energetic connection, as we heal the energy of one person, it naturally brings healing to those connected to them - their partners, families, friends, co-workers, and so on, like ripples in a pond. Due to the unified field of energy that makes up the Universe and connects us with all things, as we heal one, we bring healing to the whole. At Pampamesayok Shaman School, we are honored to be agents of healing, beginning with ourselves, knowing that for every being we help on their healing journey, we are contributing to planetary healing and transformation as well.
Stay tuned for the next post, in which we will offer practical tips on how to perceive the luminous energy field!