Saminchakuy: Bathing in Cosmic Nectar
Those of you who study with us at Pampamesayok Shaman School know the deep secret of the ancient wisdomkeepers. It is a secret that has only begun to dawn upon scientists at the cutting edge of modern quantum physics: that all is essentially energy. The apparent solidity of matter is just an illusion, as the smallest particle within an atom reveals that it is actually an electromagnetic wave - that is, a frequency of Light. While Western society focuses on physically manipulating the material world, shamans dance on the "E" side of Einstein's famous equation. We shamans learn to make a powerful shift in the way we see things, from a world of discrete solid objects to a universe of rivers of light. And as we begin to learn to flow with the energy dynamics of our lives, instead of trying to force the physical situations to change, everything in our lives begins to flow in harmony with the energy dynamics of the universe.
Just as the animals of the forest must come to the river whose waters flow down from the heights of the mountains, we too must come to that Great River of Light that issues from the Heavens above. Just as the animals drink the refreshing life-essential substance and bathe themselves clean in the river, so we, too, can drink from the Cosmic River for deep soul refreshment, and bathe off the dust and smears of energetic contamination that we may have accumulated.
Every day, the shamans of the high mountain villages in the Andes, or paq'os. practice saminchakuy, bathing their energy bodies in this River of Cosmic Light, and drinking from its sweet nectar. This is the inspiration of their sacred power animal, Hummingbird, Siwar Q'enti. Legend says he hid in the soft belly feathers of the great Condor. When Condor flew high above the dizzy snow-capped peaks of the mountains and almost made it to the Upper World, the Hanaq Pacha, Condor became exhausted and could fly no more. But that clever Hummingbird left his soft feathery hiding place and flew right into the garden of the Creator, Wiracocha, to sip the sweetest nectar of His heavenly flower garden.
You, too, can bathe in the nectar of the Great River of Light, drinking from the exquisite energy of perfect harmony and purity that is always streaming down from the Cosmos above and all around our beloved Pachamama. While we are always receiving the Divine Energy flow of the Cosmos, we can perform a practice to enhance our ability to receive its life-supporting energy. The perfect place to practice this process is sitting under the open sky, and preferably on the soft, welcoming fertile soil of the Pachamama. But even if you are trapped in a prison cell or a high-rise apartment building, your intention can bring you there. And for us mesa carriers, (carriers of the sacred medicine bundle), this process is all the more powerful when we open our mesas on the earth before us.
Center your heart into profound stillness with deep, slow breathing. Let the swirling thoughts in your mind settle gently down. Ground yourself in the full presence of the Here and Now.
When ready, open your Wiracocha: reach into the 8th chakra above your head and pull in those tingling, singing fibers of your Divinity all around you. Feel your L.E.F. (luminous energy field) expand like a blossom as you wrap your surrounding energy field with the beautiful energy of your soul. This opens a channel above your head to receive the energy from the Cosmos.
Mesa carriers: Reach up again and pull these delicious threads of energy from your 8th chakra to lovingly caress your mesa before you, opening the pathway for your kuyas (sacred stones of the mesa bundle) to receive the Cosmic Nectar as well.
Now, with your sincere intention and focus, open your mind and heart to the energy of the Cosmos above. You may find it helpful to consider, with reverence and gratitude, the magnificence of our Father Sun (Inti Tayta)'s powerful light and warmth that gives life to our planet, and the exquisite perfection of the dance of the moon and planets around this great King of the solar system. And then, reach your heart out even farther to connect to the constellations of stars whirling in the arms of this vast galaxy, our great Milky Way. Feel their kinship with YOU - knowing that you, too, come from stardust, and to stardust we will all return. And if your mind isn't completely blown already, venture to open your heart to the energy of the Great Mother of the Galaxy, the unfathomable dark bosom of the gravity in the center that holds all of us - blazing stars, exploding supernovae, spinning planets, circling moons, swinging comets, and more - together in one great Spiral Dance.
With your heart wide open in this profound reverie, simply feel the River of Light streaming down from the Heavens into your energy body, like a waterfall that washes off all the stresses and accumulated negativity from the challenges of our human world. Enjoy the way it refreshes and exhilarates your whole being, like being under a splashing waterfall in a clear mountain pool.
This sweet nectar of the Heavens is the pure, unobstructed flow of energy of our Universe the Andeans call Sami. Because it flows without obstacles slowing it down, it is considered "light" as in light in weight. Meanwhile, we humans create another kind of energy the Andeans call Hucha, which happens when we get in our own way and obstruct or resist the energy flow. This happens when we are out of alignment with the dance of the energy of the Universe. By resisting the energy flow, we slow it down, making it "heavy."
Once you feel, with your sincere intention, the sparkling waters of the Cosmos washing your energy field clean, focus on creating a connection with your heart and mind to the center of the Earth Mother. Feel your love for Her and Her love for you as the Great Mother in which your soul longs for refuge. Then intend and visualize a cord of energy connecting your first chakra down, down, down, down - all the way into her great hot molten center. Let the heavy energy wash off the surface of your energy body, like dirt washes off in a shower, down the drain deep into the Pachamama. And let whatever sorrow and pain in your heart and mind pour down into Her welcoming bosom, where she transforms it into compost for fertile growth and transformation.
Once you feel refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated by the cleansing waters of the Cosmos, and liberated from the heavy energy that held you down, reverse the direction of flow with the Pachamama. Now allow, with sincere intention and creative imagination, the flow of Her warm, dark, moist, fertile, green, life-giving Sami energy coming from Her Heart up into your whole energy Being. Notice how it "tastes" different from the Sami of the Cosmos, of the Heavens far above our heads. Let the pure innocence of the child within you be held, and your whole Self be nourished and comforted by Her warm embrace.
When you are ready, release the channel you created to the inner heart core of the Pachamama, and with your fingers reaching deep into the energy below you, slowly pull the threads of light back into your 8th chakra above your head.
Mesa carriers: Reach forward and pull the threads back from your mesa on the ground before you and slowly bring them, too, back into your 8th chakra also.
Then pull a few threads from this sparkling golden globe of swirling Divine energy above your head down into each chakra, one by one, blessing each one with your love and devotion. You may want to bring energy to these points: 3rd eye, throat, left shoulder (your feminine). right shoulder (your masculine), heart, navel and from root to the earth directly below you as an anchor.
You are now solidly anchored as a Divine conduit between Earth Mother and Sky Father. You have become like a tree. A tree’s branches reach high into the atmosphere and drink in the energy of the sunlight, while its roots sink down, deeply and firmly anchored into the bedrock of the earth, where they are nourished by the waters and minerals that strengthen it. So you, too, can venture into the world energetically clean and pure, and solidly grounded, with the Universe constantly supporting you.
In the Light of Love,
F.L.A.M.I.S.S.I.A. (Forever Loyal to the Ancient Mother I Spin the Sacred Into Awareness)