Dreaming in the New Earth Body
The call to sleep, deep sleep, to really let your system rest on all levels, is absolutely paramount at this time. This is even above and beyond the natural movement into shorter days and longer nights, and the biological need for greater rest.
Medicine carriers all over the planet, even in the Southern Hemisphere with its growing days and shorter nights, are providing a profound call to step into sleep. They all speak about sleeping with Pachamama. She is dreaming now of what medicine carriers call "her New Earth body". Dreaming and creating it at the same time.
As we sleep with her, we weave into her dream body, and the dream of "New Earth" becomes a more conscious part of our luminous presence. We are always sleeping with Pachamama - because we are Pachamama. What the unique invitation here is, is to, upon going to sleep, bring a greater intentionality to your lying down into a sacred night of deep medicine.
The invitation is to do this without a preconceived outcome. "New Earth" is a profound mystery. AND we are that mystery.
Allow yourself to have the experience of the experience. Who knows what your brain will "think" about all this. It is really about the heart, and love, and allowing yourself to honor the way creation lives in you.
Sweet dreams my dear friends !!!!!!!